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last reacted to about 2 years ago


Delicate, sweet scent

Very nice and sweet shower gel from rituals. I use it daily and I feel it lingers very hard after the shower. It's a really sweet smell. The product also lasts a long time. The price is also a real stroke of luck. The product is recommended if you like sweet scents.

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last reacted to almost 3 years ago


Rituals holi shower foam

A lot of fun concept! If you spray it on your hands it is very liquid first and then it becomes a nice foam! And smells nice and sweet too!

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Deleted user

almost 3 years ago

My teenage daughter is also a fan. And is there also a product in that line that crackles if I'm not mistaken? A unique range of experiences. 😍

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the best scent of rituals EVER β€œthe ritual of holi”

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