The Body Hair Removal Cream
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last reacted to about 1 year ago
Makes me want to cry a thunderstorm
TL;DR Only for finer-haired folk who don't mind being referred to as "sisters"! Disclaimer: I have very thick and dark body hair (To the point I know plenty of men with softer, finer hair), and pale skin. When using cream, I always have to use two large tubes at a time. I used the remnants of a small tube of Veet on my underarms, and Sunny went on the legs, bum and bits. The Veet worked really well and didn't give me any bad reaction. Now onto Sunny. Good news: The product is thick... Bad news: So thick it's a workout to get it out of the tube and I wanted a toothpaste squeezer for this Good news: It doesn't splat all over the shower/bath/walls Bad news: It DOES NOT smell like melon! Good news: Errrr.... Bad news: Barely worked on my hair, made my hands and skin REALLY itchy. Good news: Oh yeah. It doesn't make my nails as soft and bendy as some other products. Bad news: WAY overpriced. How could Gillette allow this product to be on the market‽ Good news: I've tried it now so you don't have to. More good news: The packaging is a gender neutral colour Bad news: The blurb and imagery are not! "Sensitive sisters" is written on the packaging. Most wouldn't be bothered by this and I typically wouldn't be either... But with how bad my experience was, that quote feels like another straw on my poor old camel back. It also left a big patch of hair on a calf (Unless that was just a spot I missed?) And didn't leave my legs nearly as smooth as some other products. I'm so miffed with this, I've literally thrown away one mostly full tube and the other one (See photo for how much).