Care Absolute Volume Shampoo

Heb je fijn haar en wil je meer volume? Deze hydraterende shampoo met provitamine B5 voedt het haar waardoor het dikker wordt. Care Absolute Volume Shampoo voor fijn haar helpt hierbij. De ingrediënten provitamine B5 en tarweproteïne maken je haar sterker, zonder dat het zwaar wordt. Met deze volume shampoo creëer je in een handomdraai een fantastisch volle look! Masseer de shampoo in tijdens het wassen van je haar en spoel het ook weer goed uit. Gebruik hierna nog je favoriete conditioner. Wil je maximaal volume creëeren? is van dezelfde lijn en vult deze shampoo perfect aan.

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Care Absolute Volume Shampoo

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Care Absolute Volume Shampoo
Smells great, and what a volume!

Recently I've been using this shampoo, what a great stuff! After years of having long hair, I now have shoulder-length hair. Because of this, I was afraid of missing out on volume. The shampoo smells great, soaks well and rinses out easily. It doesn't make my hair greasy easily (wash it twice a week), and it gives my hair so much volume. It doesn't collapse and is easy to style. All in all, highly recommended!

Translated from Dutch by AWS 


Care Absolute Volume Shampoo
I'm a fan!

This is definitely a hit. I've been looking for a shampoo for a long time that washes but doesn't leave a greasy sticky layer afterwards. This one is that, though. The shampoo washes well and afterwards my hair looks nice and voluminous. Especially in combination with the Keune conditioner, it is recommended. This is also not a shampoo that stops enormously, which I always think is a valuable feature. I wonder if Keune will also sell refills so that you can also use this bottle more often.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 


Care Absolute Volume Shampoo
Nice Shampoo!

Keune Care Absolute Volume Shampoo is highly recommended. It is a lovely fresh-smelling shampoo that you don't need much of to bring back the volume to your hair. My hair feels light and supple after washing. Despite the fact that I am very satisfied with the shampoo, I am not willing to pay 20 euros for it. I still think my hair is too dry after washing for that.

Translated from Dutch by AWS