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Age range16 - 23
Lash serum

Ladies, which lash serum is best? What are they not going to break down from and become beautiful and full?

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35 minutes ago

Reviews contain so much useful information; they are also written for reading 🤷‍♀️ Use the magnifying glass in the top right corner and type “lash serum”. Take the time to review the information 👍

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Age range16 - 23

What do you ask for Christmas in terms of beauty?

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Age range16 - 23

What moisturiser would you recommend for an oily skin girl with aversion to niacinamide

Age range16 - 23
Best powder bronzer

What do you think is the very best powder bronzer you can possibly get at Sephora? Currently I'm using the Hoola bronzer, but I'm still looking for another powder bronzer ☺️

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about 19 hours ago

I'm a big fan of the fenty sun stalk'r bronzer! Many different colors and you can build it up nicely.

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Age range16 - 23
Hair perfume

Hi hey! What is your opinion about her perfume? How and when do you use that? And which brands do you use, all tips and tricks are welcome! 💓

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about 19 hours ago

I got a sample of the Gisou hair perfume when I ordered. Tried it because I was curious but I wasn't really blown away. Yes, it smells nice but the scent faded quickly. I still have it but never really use it 😅

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