Renewing Body Scrub Raspberry

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3 months ago


Super nice body scrub

The scrub comes in a hard plastic jar with the lid easy to click on and off. The pot is easy to take with you in the shower. not so bulky. The scrub in the jar looks firm and compact and smells nice and sweet like raspberries. You can take the scrub out of the jar in doses with your fingers without it falling off your fingers. It is a nice firm scrub, not too liquid but just right so that it is easy to distribute. I apply it to wet skin and it spreads very well over the skin. the grain feels firm and pleasant on the skin. You can feel him doing his job. Rinsing off is also very easy, the grain can easily be rinsed off the skin with some water. Afterwards, my skin is super soft and feels very clean! I like that it doesn't leave a layer on the skin. I can't smell the sweet raspberry scent on the skin anymore. I think that's a positive thing. After drying your skin, you can rub in your favorite body lotion without different scents mixing together. I love this scrub and will definitely keep using it!

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last reacted to over 1 year ago


Very pleasant natural scrub

After scrubbing, the skin is smooth, soft. It exfoliates very well. Unlike other scrubs, you can smell the grains well. The smell is super pleasant. Excellent from a quality-price point of view! It's a routine that I do once or twice a week. Attention it is not a scrub that moisturizes.

Translated from French by AWS 



about 2 years ago


Smells great!

For starters, wow! How good this smells 😍 The scrub has a fixed structure, and you don't need much at all. Purchased together with coffee scrub but still like it a little better. Looking for an affordable scrub? Definitely worth buying it, you're going to fall in love with the fact how good this smells! And it's going to be an extra party to shower.

Translated from Dutch by AWS