Maybelline Cadeauset - Lash Sensational Boosting Serum - Lash Sensational Mascara Black
Dit pakket bevat zowel de Mascara als het Boosting Wimperserum van onze Lash Sensational-lijn. Breng eerst het serum aan voor zichtbaar langere en vollere wimpers, en breng daarna de mascara aan voor een separatie van de wimperlagen en een ongekend waaiereffect. Het effect van het booster serum is al na 4 weken zichtbaar!
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recommend it but don't abuse
i did a lash enhancement that damaged my left eye lashes a lot. so i found this serum which was quite affordable. after 4 weeks, the result was amazing! my lashes were much longer and much fuller. i continued to use it in order to have longer lashes but it started to damage my lashes on the other eye (the one whose lashes had not been damaged much)... i'm a bit disappointed and i hope to find pretty lashes soon! so don't abuse this serum
over 2 years ago
Not worth the money
I've been using this lash serum for about 1 year now. Every night I try to use it but I have to say I've forgotten it many times. I think the product is on the expensive side (around €14) I wouldn't pay for it myself but I got it. The serum has no length but I do notice that it makes my lashes stronger and maybe a little bit fuller. However, the applicator is not nice to apply the product to your lashes. Conclusion; not worth it for the amount.
almost 3 years ago
Thick and dark lashes
This eyelash serum has made my lashes fuller. They are not necessarily longer but darker and thicker. Well worth a try!
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