Dr. PawPaw
Dr. PawPaw Mask Overnight
Dr. PAWPAW Lip Mask Overnight heeft een gelachtige textuur die in de lippen dringt en volledig absorbeert voor een verzachtende lipmaskerbehandeling. Met de toevoeging van natuurlijke peptiden om zowel vollere lippen te creëren als fijne lijntjes glad te strijken. Het lipmasker heeft een effectief en merkbaar resultaat vanaf de eerste toepassing en verbetert naarmate het vaker wordt aangebracht. Kan zowel overdag als 's nachts worden gebruikt. Ongeparfumeerd Voor dag en nacht Vegan friendly
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Dr Paw Paw overnight lip mask
I found this to be very very heavy and thick. It is an overnight mask but felt like it blocked my pores around my lips. The results in the morning are soft lips but not something I’d like to sleep with overnight on a regular basis. Big tube so will last forever as you only need a tiny amount
last reacted to about 2 years ago
Nice vegan lip mask 👄
When I was strolling around in the TK MAXX a while back, I couldn't help but buy some beauty products, despite my bulging beauty boxes 😅. By the way, if you want something nice but not too much, I highly recommend the TK MAXX, which has changing ranges every time. For example, I bought the Dr. Pawpaw lip mask for only €3.29. 💰 So because of my extremely dry lips, I chose the overnight mask. I had some doubts because it would also give you 'plumping' lips. That usually means it contains menthol and I'm really not a fan of that. The beautiful navy blue color of the packaging was ultimately the deciding factor. Once I bought it, I was sooo excited because the cracks in my lips were starting to get quite painful lately. So yes... I tried it out right away. “sigh” ... 🌻 The lip balm immediately provided relief and, to my surprise, my lips immediately felt fuller. The lip balm has a light vaseline structure, lubricates nicely with the nozzle, is tasteless and odourless (Yesss!) and the volume is caused by natural peptides and no menthol. So you just have to have really powerful fingers to get some of it squeezed out 💪. But today, the lip balm was next to my tea mug and because of the heat, the lip balm lubricates well again. Vegan and cruelty free, Dr. pawpaw was founded in 2013 by British couple Johnny and Pauline Paterson who were looking for a cure for their daughters' eczema problems. So there are several variants of DrPawPaw that have multiple purposes and that I am quite curious about. I would have liked to give this DrPawPaw lip balm 5 stars but recently, the effect has started to diminish. Damn those dry lips... grrr.. Nevertheless, it remains a product that I would love to keep using.
over 2 years ago
Say goodbye to dry lips.
This is by far one of the best lip masks I've tried. In winter, my lips are often rough and dry. That's why I use the dr. pawpaw overnight lip mask. Apply before going to bed and getting up with nourished, restored lips. You can also use this product throughout the day. An ideal item for your skincare routine!