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Free shipping from € 35


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Free shipping from € 35


40% of our members found a new favorite product



Oh My Hair Gummies


Our member reviews


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about 2 years ago


Age range48 - 55
Skin typesCombined skin, Large pores
Sweets for your nails and hair

Great taste! They're like candy. I've been using them for a long time, and you can really tell the difference! Be informed that you will only notice something after 3 months. This is not due to the product, but only then does your body react to it. My hair grew stronger and fell out less! Unfortunately, I had to stop because of my thyroid, it contains biotin and that indicates different values if you are a thyroid patient.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



last reacted to over 2 years ago


Age range64+
Skin typesDehydrated skin
Hair gummies

Personally, I really like the hair gummies. My hair loss has decreased a lot since I've been using the gummies My hair also looks a lot healthier and beautiful since I've been using the hair gummies. I previously had a lot of hair loss and problems with dry, unmanageable hair.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



over 2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback How much does this product sell for??

Translated from French by AWS 

over 2 years ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesDry skin
I say YES

Olalalala, where do you start? In addition to being super gourmet (you never refuse a little treat), gummies are practical, good, have a pleasant texture and are taken with pleasure. The results are in! Indeed, the product respects its promises, we love it!

Translated from French by AWS