Kylie Skin Set
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Kylie skin
Not a good product it is the most expensive and contains a lot of chemicals in it.
last reacted to about 2 years ago
Kylie skin set
Do these products work well? I have sensitive skin and I would like to buy one of these. Do you recommend it?
about 2 years ago
Hi, kylie skin is known for a fairly aggressive formula in its products for sensitive skin. I don't think this set is going to add much to your routine and it's going to make your skin very happy. I would look for a brand with, for example, herbal ingredients or something recommended by pharmacists (such as la Roche posay), where you are much more likely to enjoy your products to the fullest and see good results more quickly at the same time.
Real or Fake?
Hello everyone, Who has experience with Kylie Kin care products? I myself have a “problem” skin, sensitive, hormonal acne, coarse pores. Would these products be of sufficient help to me? Greetings!!