Denk jij over elk plukje na als je je haar shapet? Style Precision Powder N°31 snapt jouw oog voor detail. Dit kleine potje volumepoeder heeft een krachtige werking: het geeft grip, textuur en volume. Met glansfactor 1 heb je tegelijkertijd een mooie matte finish. En met de sprayer kun je dit poeder tot in de puntjes precies aanbrengen waar je wilt.,[object Object],Schud het poeder eerst even door. Zorg dat je haar droog is en spray het poeder precies waar je het nodig hebt. Masseer het vervolgens in met je vingertoppen. Je kunt meerdere lagen op dezelfde plek sprayen om meer grip te krijgen.

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Top spul ! 

I am completely satisfied with this product. I have a long pony that is sometimes lifeless compared to the rest of my hair because of sleep, etc. A bit of stardust on top and tadaa what a volume! It also works very well for the rest of my hair, but I mainly use it for my pony.

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Stardust Top

Got it for testing last week, wow what a well-working product. I have little volume in my hair and I was trying everything, hairspray, dry shampoo, nothing helps. My hair alone looked like a cloud of dust. But now Stardust is great, I wash my hair and I use 1 puff, then rub it out with my fingers. And I have volume. It is very economical to use, I think 1 puff per spot is enough. It also smells good. I will definitely continue to use it. Thanks @keune and @weareeves for testing.

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Fantsstich product

this is really one of the most innovative products I've seen, I already have curls on my own, but this is really a fantastic product, it's a product for when you want more volume, really great, it's a powder, you have to apply it to dry hair and it works really perfectly, giving you much more volume.

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