Sleepy Bodylotion 215g
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Favourite sleep product
I use this very night as well as lush twilight spray. It smells lovely and really relaxes me before bedtime. I use it just on my arms, neck and chest but you could use it all over. The price isn't cheap but can last for a while. If in doubt go to your local lush and ask for a sample of it.
over 1 year ago
I use this on EVERYONE
This body lotion is the best over ever used and used in my kids (who the majority have skin issues). Since using this on them they have a better sleep and their skin feels amazing. We love everything in the sleepy/twilight range from lush as nothing disappoints. The scent isn’t over bearing like some lavender smelling products are it’s just the right amount
almost 2 years ago
A must have
If you struggle sleeping or just want to feel more relaxed then I really recommend it. It helps me get ready for bed. The scent isn't too overwhelming but still lasts and it leaves me skin feeling smooth and hydrated. Definitely worth splurging and getting a big pot ;)