Organi Cup



Organi Cup

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last reacted to almost 3 years ago


Not for women with a spiral!!

The organicup... Something anxious to try but I was going to believe it anyway. It took a while to get the hang of it and get used to the idea. I have to say that idea pulled away pretty quickly. Finally, something that seems to be ideal even before the end of menstruation. Inserting a tampon during the last day (s) is a lot trickier and uncomfortable. A disadvantage is that you should always have a sink nearby. Should I sleep with someone else, I don't feel comfortable putting this thing in. But... NOTE! After a while of use, I pulled out my spiral with it while taking out the menstrual cup. THIS THING IS NOT MADE FOR LADIES WITH A SPIRAL. Be really careful about this because it's really no fun!

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almost 3 years ago

Very good that you warn about using the organicup if you have a spiral. However, the organicup can be used with a spiral. You just have to be very careful to break the vacuum before you take out the cup. It's possible, but you have to be careful!

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last reacted to over 4 years ago

Random question: Does anyone here have experience with the Organi Cup? I always pretend to try it out, but when the time is the time of the mouth, I'll grab for a tampon again.

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Deleted user

over 5 years ago

Bring a bottle of water when you go to the toilet to rinse it. Furthermore, the cup works great for me. The start is really trying to figure out how it works. I leaked through the first few times. Turns out it wasn't vacuumed, so everything went wrong. If you have inserted it, check if you hear such a sucking sound. Before the double check, just pull the rug. Then you can be sure that it has been vacuumed.

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last reacted to over 4 years ago

TIP: MORE LIKELY TO “TAMPON DISEASE” A group of researchers from the Croix-Rosse examined the menstrual cup. They looked to see if it increases the risk of tampon disease (toxic shock syndrome). Unfortunately, the outcome is that it increases the chances of getting tampon disease. It turns out that the accumulation of blood in the vagina is involved in this, something that happens when using the menstrual cup. In addition, the menstrual cup provides more air in the vagina (when inserted and through the air hole in the cup). This allows a bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus) to grow well and allow a person to get tampon disease. A very dangerous condition that can lead to death. The first symptoms are low blood pressure (schock) and high fever. Then a course of antibiotics should be administered as soon as possible. The researchers claim that the menstrual cup is more dangerous than tampons because the bacteria S. Aureus is more common among users of the menstrual cup: “We observed higher levels of S. aureus growth and toxin production in menstrual cups than in tampons, potentially due to the additional air introduced into the bag by cups, with differences based on cup composition and size.” BUT they do not recommend the product. Due to its ecological benefits and because tampons also pose the risk of tampon disease. But albeit lower. 3 factors contribute to the fact that the cup causes increased bacterial growth: 1) accumulation of blood in the vagina 2) increased pH in the vagina due to menstruation (from normal 4.2 to 7.4 at menstruation) 3) oxygen and carbon dioxide in vagina Source: Researchers provide the following usage tips: - Do not sleep with the menstrual cup - clean the cup every six hours (if possible every 4 hours) with water and odourless soap - At the end of menstruation, place the cup in boiling water for 5 minutes to get the bacteria off. Then rinse well with water. Personally, I still use the menstrual cup (but sometimes tampons too). I like the cup very much to use and no different than a tampon. However, the menstrual cup catches more blood, which is a godsend to me. I stick to the tips researchers have given for using it. And I certainly recommend this to you:) Despite everything, I still use the menstrual cup. Because in the case of tampons, you also need to change it every 5 hours and it's not environmentally friendly (and more expensive!). In addition, I leak less with the menstrual cup.

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Deleted user

over 4 years ago

@ [dblockje] (dblockje) that's why silicone breeds fewer bacteria than tampons, Ob now has those for overnight... I think that's not so wise... @ [Lana] (Lana) yep clearer like this 😘

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