Omega+ Complex Nachtcrème


Voed je huid, behoud je gloedDe Omega+ Complex Nachtcrème biedt een uitkomst voor wie last heeft van een droge, zeer droge, vochtarme huid die er dof uitziet. Deze rijke, volle crème bevat een unieke mix van omega-vetzuren die de huid voeden, verzorgen en herstellen.Omega-rijk chiazaad & lijnzaad hydraterenPassievrucht- en guave-antioxidanten kalmerenCeramiden houden de vochtbalans op peil

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Omega+ Complex Nachtcrème

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Omega+ Complex Nachtcrème

last reacted to about 5 years ago

Ik lees zoveel geweldige reviews over de skincare van wat en welke producten raden jullie aan bij een droge maar soms ook wat vettige huid die ook redelijk gevoelig is?




about 5 years ago

Because you also mentioned that you have sensitive skin earlier, I would like to recommend our Calm collection. We have these for both dry and oily skin. I think the normal to combined variant is a good match for your skin. If you want to apply a little more nutrition at night, I would recommend the dry night cream. For us, a routine always consists of a cleanser, exfoliant and day and night cream. We also have a toner and serum from the Calm collection, if you want to further expand your routine. If you have any further questions or I can help you with anything else, please let me know! 😊

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Omega+ Complex Nachtcrème

last reacted to about 5 years ago

Recently I 'discovered' this brand and I am totally a fan! All the products I've tried so far work so well for my skin. This cream, for example, really perfect for dry skin like mine. I only need a small amount of the product to grease my skin. I can definitely recommend this brand/product! It costs a little, but then you have some.

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