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Free shipping from € 35


40% of our members found a new favorite product



NIVEA Cellular LUMINOUS 630 ANTI-SPOT Nachtcrème


NIVEA Cellular Luminous630 Anti-Spot Nachtcrème geeft je gezicht, hals en decolleté de verzorging die het nodig heeft. Elke ochtend een frisse en gerevitaliseerde teint en dag na dag een meer egale en stralende teint. Pigmentvlekken worden zichtvaar lichter met resultaat na 4 weken*.
*Product gebruikstest, 80 vrouwen, 5 weken

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over 1 year ago


Age range48 - 55
Skin typesDry skin, Sensitive skin
Sure effect after a little longer use

This Nivea Cellular Luminous630 Anti-Spot Night Cream belongs in a series of day cream and serum. I therefore use this night cream in combination with the serum and day cream to apply the recommended four times a day. This cream comes in a beautiful dark blue jar with a golden lid. Too bad it's not in a pump like the other products in this line either, but I think that's just a little bit more hygienic and then it was clearer that these products belong together. The cream absorbs quickly enough and has hardly any fragrance, which I really like for a night cream. In the first few days, I notice that my skin has to get used to this cream. After application, there is a tingling sensation over my skin, but that also goes away quickly. After just a few days of use, I notice that my skin feels really soft. After two weeks, I notice that the smallest spots are getting fewer. Some are barely visible anymore. I did not expect this effect, I am very positive about this Nivea line and will definitely be using it for a while.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



over 2 years ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesSensitive skin, Pigment spots, Large pores, Aging skin, Dry skin
Creme de nuit

It's a good product I've been using it for a month and my skin is smooth and silky. I have pigment spots because of the sun and now they have significantly reduced this cream has a nice texture and the results are immediate for smooth skin, just after using it for the first time you will see the difference

Translated from French by AWS 





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