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Activated Carbon Tandpasta (Charcoal Toothpaste Peppermint)



Activated Carbon Tandpasta (Charcoal Toothpaste Peppermint)

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last reacted to almost 5 years ago

Age range32 - 39
Skin typesCombined skin

Review My Magic Mud Activated Charcoal Toothpaste I received this package from and and I am so happy I am now part of their Beauty Editors! Thank you so much. So this is the first time I try an Activated Charcoal toothpaste because I don't usually go for hyped up trends that may or may not affect my overal health so I had to start doing a research before using this. So the main goal of this toothpaste is whitening. Well, I don't have particularly yellow teeth enamel, or stains... I don't smoke or drink a lot of coffee or tea, so the color of my teeth is quite normal and I've never been bothered by it because realistically nobody has naturally pearly white teeth. So, okay, Im not going to see a lot of difference but let's keep on the research cause there might be other benefits... The toothpaste made a few more claims 1. Fluoride Free: This is not exactly a good thing but not the worst either. I've read about this and the issue with fluoride is that you need to get it in a reasonable amount regulated by Health Autorities. If you get too much Fluoride daily it may cause Fluorosis but if you dont get enough it may lead to dental cavities, specially when you already use an abrasive method to clean your teeth. So I am not very sold about this. 2. SLS free: In other words, free from sulfates. I knew it was bad for hair and skin but didnt know that it was bad for the teeth as well, but it does make sense somehow. Okay, fair enough. 3. Non-GMO: So, no genetically modified organisms... Honestly, I couldn't care less about this. Genetically modified stuff doesn't mean is bad. Bananas are genetically modified, otherwise we would all be dead by now. But fine, either way it doesn't affect my opinion about a product. 4. Vegan: Okay, I'm on board, full stop. 5. Gluten free: Cool, I am not intollerant to gluten but is good to know. 6. Glycerine free: Hmmm okay, weird... If consumer safe glycerine is used this shouldn't be an issue. There's a myth that says that Glycerine will coat your teeth and lead to tooth decay. Well, this is impossible because glycerine is water solluble and it would just vanish from your teeth in no time just by brushing and it is a self preserving substance where bacteria can't grow and has many uses and benefits and it is generally safe. I'm not very on board at this point with this. So I kept searching on what dentists had to say about using activated charcoal for cleaning your teeth. Let me tell you I was not happy in the end... Activated charcoal is an abrasive substance that will only clean up the surface of your teeth and overal not a good idea because excesive brushing can already lead to permanent damage to your enamel, but if you add another abrasive agent that also doesnt have other re-mineralizing agents and containing other acids... I don't think it is a good idea to use. Specially if like me, you have sensitive teeth. After this I decided to try it anyway, it is not swallowing mercury so it wont kill me... Okay, it cleaned my teeth and my mouth felt fresh afterwards so it does the job of a basic toothpaste. Whitening? Maybe, but it might be my mind wanting to believe, as I said I dont have issues with my natural enamel color. So in conclusion, I wouldn't use this toothpaste as a daily thing, maybe once or twice a month or after drinking coffee or something like that but nothing else. The benefit I get from it is not enough to compensate the potential damage that it could cause me, a person with delicate teeth.



last reacted to almost 5 years ago


Age range48 - 55
Skin typesDry skin, Normal skin

& megathanks for receiving this product!!!!! Too much coffee and wine have been discolouring my teeth for years. I've tried many whiteners with varying success. I used this one once daily for 2 weeks. The result was amazing: at least 2 shades of lighter teeth. Luckily no Gerard Joling effect. And no irritation to my gums. This is amazing to me. After 4 to 5 days the discolourations will return. So I use it every other day now to maintain the effect. I use a manual toothbrush and a tongue scraper. Holy grail. So happy with We Are Eves..

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almost 5 years ago

@ [anitabeunderdupau] (anitabeunderdupau) thanks for your nice and honest review. How great to hear that you like the product and that it works so well for you! :)

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last reacted to almost 5 years ago

Age range24 - 31
Skin typesDry skin

YES there it is Dan!!!! my review of the magic mud activated carbon toothpaste I was allowed to test from and I planned for a while because my skin/body can usually react very heavily to products later... In this case, I'm very satisfied my teeth look a lot whiter and it's fine because of the taste too. Would look out that you're not wearing your most beautiful top when you're brushing (as happened to me..) the packaging might be slightly more cheerful or chic I think for mint green. go with a black cap or vice versa.. (yes product layout I can also review haha) in short satisfied. and also think that you don't spit with wind power 20+ because then your sink will be nicely speckled too:)

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almost 5 years ago

@ [cartvrouw1] (cartvrouw1) thanks for your nice review! Greetings, Vitaminstore:)

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