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Lancôme Hydra Zen Jelly Mask Masker 50 ml

Hydra Zen doet zijn naam eer aan. De zachte producten uit deze serie van Lancôme zorgen voor een directe kalmering van de gevoelige huid. De formule bevat vele natuurlijke plantenextracten. In vrijwel alle Hydra Zen-producten is de overheerlijke Moringaboom verwerkt; een rijke bron aan voedingsstoffen. Vitamines, mineralen en eiwitten ten overvloede. Dankzij de hemelse extracten in Hydra Zen is de huid beschermd tegen de gevolgen van onder andere stress. Met deze zeer aangename serie weet Lancôme de vrouw te verwennen. De verrukkelijke en frisse producten werken kalmerend, relaxend, ontstressend en geruststellend. Hydra Zen zorgt voor een zachte en glanzende huid.

Let op: de verpakking van de Hydra Zen Neuro Calm is veranderd in de Hydra Zen Anti-Stress lijn!

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almost 3 years ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesOily skin

Absolutely gorgeous. I was blown away by the quality of the packaging and the simplicity of the bottle. The fragrance was immediately noticeable from the very first squirt. Its extremely fresh and smooth and lasts all day. Its the one to have you won't regret it.



almost 3 years ago


Age range24 - 31
Skin typesAcne, Large pores, Combined skin, Sensitive skin, Pigment spots
Lancome jelly mask

I slather this mask on with a first layer at night which absorbs really quickly into my skin, and then I reapply before I go to sleep avoiding the eye area. I wake up in the morning with super soft skin but make sure that I rub off/wash off the mask first before attending to my usual morning face routine. I really do highly recommend as it leaves my skin baby soft after I have used it the night before. Saying that there are a few reviews that don’t agree with mine so maybe see if you can try before you buy but honestly my skin is maybe 6/10 sensitive and pale and it works perfectly with my skin. i also get really dry skin in the colder months and it has been helping so much to correct it, not instant results but you need to use for a couple of weeks for it to have an effect: seriously hydrating for my skin type and I highly recommend!!



almost 3 years ago


Age range40 - 47
Skin typesDry skin, Combined skin, Large pores, Aging skin, Wrinkles

Lovely overnight face mask, has left my face really soft and hydrated. Was still a little tacky after a couple of hours but other than the tackiness it’s a lovely treat for a pamper.