Refreshing chin/cheek mask

The packaging, a paper box, looks fresh and clean. There are five pieces individually wrapped in foil in the box. When I open the foil, there is an extra layer of protection on the mask, which I need to remove first. It comes off the mask very smoothly and quickly. It releases a slightly musty smell, I don't like the smell. I can apply it very easily to the face. I start with the middle and stretch from my chin to the (right) ear and with the loop I can easily apply it over my ear, the same goes for the left side. The mask should stay in place for 40 minutes, relaxing on the sofa with a series will pass in no time. I can easily have a drink in between meals and nibble something. The mask stays in place nicely. The removal is also very smooth, no residual residue like some other masks and it's also nice not to see any redness or such a reaction on my skin, so suitable for sensitive skin. 1 box is for five treatments, I paid 42 euro for 1 box, which turned out to be too much afterwards, because I found it on another site for 17 euro. With the latter, I think the price is much more correct for this product. Apart from the scent, I think it's a decent product, but I'll have to wait and see the long-term effect.

Translated from Dutch by AWS