Hairspray of setting spray?

+ Nice fine mist + Makeup is STUCK + Fairly cheap - Smell - Texture Honestly, this is one of the few drugstore setting sprays where I say, “yes, my makeup really lasts longer.” This is my holy-grail for a face full of makeup and the temperature of the last few days 🥵. My eyeliner isn't going anywhere, my blush and bronzer don't disappear after a few hours, everything is FIXED. But yes, that does not come completely free of charge. Once you spray this on your face, it's really just hairspray. And I'm someone who HATES the smell of hairspray. So that was quite a barrier to cross! You also feel it directly on the skin, a kind of layer. However, this will go away later. You also really don't want to get this in your mouth or eyes — believe me, I found that out personally 🤢. So quite a few drawbacks! But if that's it for a setting spray that I think REALLY works, it's worth it. After all, it's a lot more of a shame to say goodbye to your makeup that you work for half an hour a day!

Translated from Dutch by AWS