Good if nothing else.

I am blessed by a mum who never let me pluck my brows in the 00s, so I naturally still have thick brows. I can get away with a comb and a swipe of brow gel and I know that's a privilege amongst the brow owners. I am partial to a tinted brow gel, mainly because my brows to not match their longer counterparts on my dyed head, so adding some colour gives me more matchy matchy. I'll be honest, I've had good and bad experiences with Busy Gal. Sometimes on the same day. It's got good pigment for a gel/tint and it has quite a good coverage.... But the brush is just too small for me to have control over where the colour goes. I often have to start again on my brows because I've got the product all over my brow skin (??) And then it looks like I've drawn them on in a Sharpie (circa 2014). It's not a vibe. When it works and I have more patience, this brow gel actually holds brows in shape and does add a nice colour.. so consider that a good thing. It might work better for a steadier hand and a thinner brow?