My 60/40 Experience!!

Talking about these two most hyped duo!! So when I purchased them the main thing in my mind was at that time, my skin was so dehydrated and dry that I wanted something that could provide hydration and makes my skin alive . So this was my main purpose in this purchase. What I got, -It gives you a clean skin finish like when you wake up the very next day , you feel like your skin has been renewed. -I have seen clarity in my skin due to this but I’ll give it more time -But talking about the hydration and moisture what I was expecting from this, it didn’t provide that for long time, its like I’m still looking for a good moisture though!! So this product is still a 60/40 to me.. It claims; 1-Rejuvenation of skin - it does the work 2- hydration - I’m not sure 😑 3-Repair skin- Yes it does 🔔 I haven’t experienced any kind of side effects, irritation, allergy .