Care Satin Oil Conditioner

Olie hoeft je haar niet vet of zwaar te maken. Wat het vooral doet? Het hydrateert. Dat houdt je haar gezond. Én het geeft een mooie glans. Care Satin Oil Conditioner voor droog haar voedt je haren van binnenuit met een mix aan maracuja-, baobab- en monoi-olie. Een hydraterende conditioner voor je haren dus. Was je haar eerst met shampoo. Verdeel daarna de conditioner over de lengten en punten van je haar. Je hoeft de hoofdhuid niet mee te nemen. Laat de conditioner een paar minuten inwerken voordat je het uitspoelt.



Care Satin Oil Conditioner

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Care Satin Oil Conditioner
great hair

It gives your hair a nice shine. You wash your hair with shampoo first. Then spread the conditioner over the lengths and ends of your hair. You don't have to bring the scalp with you. Let the conditioner work for a few minutes before rinsing it out. It hydrates your hair and gives you a nice shine. And I would definitely recommend it if you have dry hair.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 


Care Satin Oil Conditioner

Great product and lovely scent. We are eves allowed me to test this product. I always like to use new hair care products. Personally, I don't know where you can buy it in the store, but it's definitely worth your money. Highly recommended

Translated from Dutch by AWS 


Care Satin Oil Conditioner
Keune conditionar aanrader

I'm definitely a Keune fan. I tested the shampoo first, it was good. And now, in combination with the conditioner, it really makes a big difference for my hair. It doesn't get saggy, doesn't fluff anymore and is easy to style. Smells good and has a nice texture. You only need a little bit.

Translated from Dutch by AWS