Original Coffee Scrub
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Brilliant for waxed or shaved legs
Been using this for nearly 3 years, I do not have kersastosis pilaris but I did and this is one of those products I keep going back to. Just ordered a fresh batch along with their new glycolic scrub because why the heck not. I use numerous products and genuinely love the brand.
Every woman should use this.
I've been using coffee scrub for years. I usually start this from February-March to September in combination with weleda cellulite cream. So I have a nice soft skin and almost no cellulite. The packaging is a little less easy. I store this in my closet. And always pour a little bit into a container. And I'm taking that in the shower. This will prevent chunks in your packaging. I really think coffee scrub is a must-have for every woman. The scent is really coffee but we'll take that for granted.
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about 2 years ago
Nourishes the skin well, but some dirt in use
This scrub is great to use. In one way or another, my skin feels enormously nourished and soft after using the scrub. In addition, my skin certainly also feels firmer the day of use. I cannot say that it will last for several days. Maybe if you keep using it for a few months. This scrub is dirty to use in the shower or bath, but on the other hand, it is also very natural and, of course, the nice thing about being dirty undisturbed. Smells great like coffee.
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