


Natusan - Intensive Care Baby Olie 200ML

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last reacted to over 4 years ago


With winter, my skin needs more care. Especially my legs are very dry sometimes. Except I don't always have the time to smear my whole thing. I grease this oil on my still wet skin right after showering. This makes it easier to smear and it absorbs quickly. Then blot dry and done! Look out for a smooth shower floor!

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last reacted to over 4 years ago

Budget beauty tip!!! Have you always had trouble removing your water test mascaras? And are you tired of paying €6, - (or higher) for a good thing that removes your mascara. Try baby oil to remove your mascara. You will see that mascara leaves loose almost instantly, so you can sleep with a clean face without too much hassle. It's also better for your eyelashes as you rub your eyes much less. When your baby starts using oil to take off your mascara, you can't stand that greasiness in your eyes. It never hurt me, but from friends I hear that they hate seeing a fat “haze.” It doesn't bother me myself. It doesn't matter what brand you buy from baby oil. I usually buy the cheapest of my own brand, which often costs around €1.30. I pour the bottle into a beautiful glass vial and put it on my beauty table. That's how it looks chic!!

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



over 4 years ago

Coconut oil also works great as a makeup remover:)

Translated from Dutch by AWS 

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