Wood Eau De Parfum
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Best bargain buy in a long time!
I adore this perfume!!!! as you can see... the bottle is totally drained!! I got every last drop! I had never heard of it, but spotted it on sale in my local Boots. so I picked up a bottle and thought it would do as a backup. how wrong was I!! this was only 6 weeks ago and I was spraying it like it was going out of fashion, thinking how cheap it was and got carried away.... I now need to replace it!!! as I'm missing that gorgeous scent.... it's feminine yet not too floral, it has a good oommpphh to it... and makes you feel like you are walking on a summer's beach, drinking margaritas and splashing in the waves! everyone comments and asks what I'm wearing. I am actually in love of plus the lid is so cool, it's magnetic and clicks back on in a really satisfying way!
D2 pink perfume
It smells so good! It stays in place for a long time too, the packaging has a soft exterior, very special! 😅 It's affordable and you can get or order it anywhere from bol.com to Douglas! Delicious, definitely recommended and it's not flowery!
Lovely air
This is a lovely scent. I wear it myself on a normal day. It's a magnetic cap so you shouldn't wear it on the cap. The cap has a nice appearance of wood. The packaging where the perfume is packaged is also beautiful, the box is soft. Personally, I think it's a top notch. I get a lot of compliments for smelling good. And that's what you want, isn't it?