Weleda Revitaliserende Haarlotion


Revitaliserende Haarlotion is het eerste cosmeticaproduct dat in 1921 door Weleda werd ontwikkeld. De formule is samengesteld op basis van rozemarijnolie en extracten van biologische muurpeper en biologische mierikswortel, bekend voor hun tonifiërende werking. De lotion stimuleert de hoofdhuid, bevordert de natuurlijke haargroei en gaat zo haaruitval tegen.

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almost 2 years ago

Age range24 - 31
Skin typesNormal skin
Works great!

This is fabulous for stimulating shiny, healthy hair growth. I massage some into my scalp every evening using a brush, and it has been working wonders. I don’t find it makes my hair greasy or weighed down, and by the morning the rosemary smell is completely gone so nobody needs to be any the wiser



almost 2 years ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesNormal skin, Large pores
Love it

I just love this. Due to pcos i lose lots of hair on daily basis and when I started to use this within a week I realised it’s slowing down and also in a few weeks I started to see baby hair growing and few month later I felt my hair was more healthy. And I love that it’s so natural.



almost 3 years ago


Age range24 - 31
Skin typesNormal skin
Helpful and effective

I wish this product was a bit less pricey, but i love it. I started using it after i started losing more hair than usual during autumn and it helped reduce that hair loss. i really did notice a difference after a few uses. another plus is that it smells great!