K18 Damage Shield Shampoo
Een kleurveilige, pH-geoptimaliseerde shampo met de gepatenteerde K18PEPTIDE™ om effectief te reinigen terwijl het haar gezond blijft, pluis en klitten vermindert, de kleur behoudt en de glans verbetert. Ontwikkeld op basis van de less is more formule levert een superieure reiniging zonder compromissen: Geoptimaliseerde pH reinigt haar en hoofdhuid zonder ze uit te drogen. Gecertificeerde microbiome-vriendelijke formule verwijdert vuil en olie zonder de natuurlijke beschermende barrière van de hoofdhuid te verstoren. K18PEPTIDE™ helpt proteïneverlies te verminderen zodat het haar gezond en sterk blijft aanvoelen *De K18 Maintenance Shampoo is nu de K18 Damage Shield Shampoo, maar het product blijft hetzelfde, dus het is mogelijk dat je nog een product ontvangt met de oude naam (K18 Maintenance Shampoo).
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Super product!
In addition to using the K18 detox shampoo (once a week), I wash my hair with the maintenance shampoo for the rest of the days (twice a week). It is a very nice shampoo to maintain/maintain my hair, as the name 'maintenance' suggests. The shampoo is transparent and works the same as the detox shampoo. I am very satisfied with this brand and this shampoo 😍
about 1 year ago
Damage shield shampoo wonderfully clean
What a nice shampoo. What's ideal with long hair is that you really need a little bit of shampoo and it lathers well right away. The scent is soft and fresh and it makes your hair wonderfully clean, you can feel that. And when combined with the conditioner, your hair looks soft and shiny.
delicious shampoo also for scalp
It promises to change in 21 days and I'm currently on day 15 (washed 8 times). I really like the shampoo already. Foams well and cleans really well. It doesn't make you feel dry, nor does it make your scalp dry. By far, it's already much better than its competitor (you know who). That really wasn't a good shampoo for my hair. My hair became oily after an hour. I myself have straight, bleached, highlighted hair. scent is super! substance is super! you also only have to wash once and your hair is really mega clean.