Hydrating Fixing Spray
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Hi hi! I've tried several fixing sprays, but this one really stands out for me. The makeup stays on all day long. It does contain alcohol, which I'm not very happy about, but it does a great job. I have combination skin. I have now worn out 10 bottles and switched to Mac's fixing spray once, but I found these to work better in the end... The packaging, on the other hand, is really bad. The “nozzle” always stays attached after 3 uses and then you have to pull it out before you can spray.
Let's spray and fix this
SettingsSpray/Fixing Spray? Give it a name :-) I can't live without it anymore. I found this out and my gosh! it's addictive. I use the spray between every makeup mess. Of course a good cream, I use Olcay Gulsen's and that's the Miracle Blur 2.0 I use the spray between every makeup mess. Of course a good cream, I use Olcay Gulsen's and that's the Miracle Blur 2.0. Did you know that I now own almost all of Olcay's products? They are seriously good products and I use it daily. Ohh, and only use a little bit of everything. But, my Miraccle blur is on my face, let it soak in well first and little bit is more than enough!! I'm not using a setting spray for this yet. I then use the CC cream medium.. also from Olcay, also use only a little bit of this. Once on my face, I let it rest for a while, only then I will start using the spray. Then I'll grab my fan, you know, that I always need when I'm dancing. When it's dry, I'm going to treat my contours, my apple cheeks ;-) Even then, I use Olcay products again. Beauty Duo Pot Blush + HighlightSetting Spray/Fixing Spray? Give it a name :-) I can't live without it anymore. I found this out and my gosh! it's addictive. I use the spray between every makeup mess. Of course a good cream, I use Olcay Gulsen's and that's the Miracle Blur 2.0Settingsspray/Fixing Spray? Give it a name :-) I can't live without it anymore. I found this out and my gosh! it's addictive. I use the spray between every makeup mess. Of course a good cream, I use Olcay Gulsen's and that's the Miracle Blur 2.0. Did you know that I now own almost all of Olcay's products? They are seriously good products and I use it daily. Ohh, and only use a little bit of everything. But, my Miraccle blur is on my face, let it soak in well first and little bit is more than enough!! I'm not using a setting spray for this yet. I then use the CC cream medium.. also from Olcay, also use only a little bit of this. Once on my face, I let it rest for a while, only then I will start using the spray. Then I'll grab my fan, you know, that I always need when I'm dancing. When it's dry, I'm going to treat my contours, my apple cheeks ;-) Even then, I use Olcay products again. The Beauty Duo Pot Blush+Highlight The name says it all. I use it for my face, but also for my eyes and lips. It's a great product.. again.. Just spray and flutter. Then we'll work the eyebrows with soap, the lashes and you're done. Spray one more time, flutter and my lips, and you're done. Want to know more about the Olcay Gulsen products? Just ask me ♡
about 2 years ago
@ [evelynlemmens] (evelynlemmens) is correct!