Dr. PawPaw
Dr. PawPaw Original
Dr.PAWPAW Original Balm is een verzorgende balsem voor de lippen, huid, nagels, haren en nog veel meer. Deze multitasker bevat een grote verscheidenheid aan verzorgende ingrediënten zoals gefermenteerde papaja, olijfolie en aloë vera. Dr.PAWPAW Original Balm kan op veel verschillende manieren gebruikt worden, één balsem voor verschillende ongemakken. Altijd handig voor in de handtas!
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8 months ago
Such a versatile balm!
I love love love this balm. I've been using it on my lips for a while and it has always been great. Very hydrating and making my lips soft. Recently I've also used it as an eyebrow gell and I love it more than my original eyebrow gell. It keeps all the hairs in place and also make my eyebrows feel very soft and healthy. Love a product with multiple way to use it!
10 months ago
GO GET THIS LIP BALMMMM! I absolutely love dr paw paw in general i have the mocha one the peach tinted and the red tinted one too! Super affordable and gives your lips that hydrating plumping effect your lips deserve it is also really cheap too if you havent got this product already WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
honest review
this product was really good i recommend it's not to expensive i think but i have tried loads of lip masks and oils and balms because i get really dry lips all year round and i used this every night and day for like a week and i saw my lips getting better every day i recommend the original yellow one and the shea butter one that's turquoise