BFF Cream SPF 30
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Ummed and arred about buying this product as its a little more than I would usually pay but eventually bit the bullet and purchased and so glad I did!! Use either on its own for a fresh face or mix with foundation for a flawless base. Just gives ur skin a beautiful glow that gets noticed. I use light/medium shade
over 2 years ago
Trinny london BBF cream
BBF cream prefector has an spf30 in it this can be used on its own to give you a fresh glow or as a base to your make up this product comes with a T pot which you can decant you cream into which holds a week supply the pots all stack together so your daily routine is all there in a neat stack the cream comes in different shades to match your face tone I have tried the two lightest shades both a perfect for my skin tone but I prefer the lightest shade if worn on its own and the light shade if wearing full make up I have tried loads of make up and skin care brands over the years and this brand trinny london is far the best for me I have now ditched the massive make up bag and now have my a small go to bag for everyday