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Nutritic Lippenstick - 4,7ml - (zeer) droge lippen


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about 3 years ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesDry skin, Aging skin, Wrinkles, Breakouts (spotty skin), Skin redness, Normal skin
Not very effective

I have very problematic lips in autumn winter season and I’m constantly looking for effective lip balm to soothe dry, irritated, chapped lips and skin around lips, and make them look nourished and healthy. This lip balm unfortunately does not help my lips a lot. The texture is very light, thin and dry, I was expecting it to be more rich and thick, more hydrating. This product requires reapplying like every 30-40 min, because it dries out very fast therefore it finishes very fast and have to purchase again. In my opinion it’s not a pod value for money, I would not recommend and would not repurchase.



about 1 year ago


Age range32 - 39
Skin typesCombined skin, Wrinkles, Dehydrated skin, Breakouts (spotty skin), Eczema
The Best Ever!

Wow!!! Dry lips? Eczema? Lipstick wearer? Winter sensitive lips? Then this is your first aid lip balm! The lip balm is really the must have for you & family! It softens immediately, gives a nice soft smooth layer, and lets your lips recover immediately! I myself also use it as a lip primer on the cold winter days before applying my lipstick to prevent dehydration.! You already read it The biggest Fan!!

Translated from Dutch by AWS 





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