Yari Green Curls Curl Activator 355ml


Yari Green Curls Curl Activator 355ml

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9 months ago


What an invention!

I've been trying like this for almost 2 years now... Approximately the CG method The huge lazy way though, because I don't spend an hour with my hair! Well... And then I found the golden combination of certain shampoo and conditioner combined with this wonder drug Less is way more for me I have lots of but very fine hair... Good job but a little too much product and it falls away limp A mini pea, really mini... Perfectly provides some hold in the curl and that my hair does not fluff It sits perfectly! No hair dryer, no nonsense just Wash..., after washing in wet hair a pea of Yari green.. Dry scrunching and squeezing... Ennnnnnn waiting for it to dry Perfect! It smells great, but once dry, the smell is gone You take a long time with a bottle, at least I do Because I need so little. So an absolute keeper for me!!

Translated from Dutch by AWS 


Beautiful curls

I actually hated my curls all my life... until I started using these products. This line is so nice, affordable and smells great. In combination with the lotion and a good hair dryer, you will have the most beautiful curls you can imagine in no time.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



over 1 year ago

Very happy with it!

I've been using this yari curling cream for a few weeks now and I have to say I'm really happy with it. It makes my curls very sturdy and they stay in shape nicely. The curling cream also smells really good. I also recommend the other products in this line.

Translated from Dutch by AWS