The appearance shines, but the inner determines...

For years I have been a faithful cg method fan, for those who don't know this in short: a method in which you use hair products without harmful substances, usually used by curling bulbs. My curls are important to me and like a wise internet user once said 'your hair is 70% of your photo', so you better take care of them!! And now about the product... The packaging is attractive, simple yet inviting. In a store, this one would definitely notice me. The second thing I look at are the ingredients, unfortunately NOT cg. And yet I wanted to give it a chance. The structure is thick, but it becomes nicely spreads in wet hands. The scent is tasty, not too strong. Because of the rigid structure, I was afraid it would be too heavy for my hair and it was in the end... As you can see in the photo, my curls shine and look like I would style them normally, top so! Unfortunately, the curls quickly dropped and felt greasy and stiff to the touch. Because of the rigidity, there was no resilience in my curls, which I find a very important feature in a hair product. Also my points became very dry as the day progressed. CONCLUSION: If the contents of the product were as simple and smooth as the outside, there definitely had a fan! This product doesn't work for me, but for a cg proof variant in the future I definitely make an exception!

Translated from Dutch by AWS