Max Factor - Honey Lacquer Lip Gloss 3.8 Ml 10 Honey Rose
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It delivers 🙌
Hi everyone, after a few days testing this honey lacquer from @maxfactor I'm ready to say I LOVE IT! why? Well it delivers. This lip product is like an hybrid between a lip gloss, lip balm and lipstick. And I say a hybrid because it has a bit from each. My lips feel plump, soft, glossy but not sticky, and this shade adapts perfect to my own lip color. The only thing is it dosen't smell mega nice. It has a very soft "old school " lipstick scent that I personally love 🙈. Truly recommend if you are looking something nice for your lips, specially in this cold days. Thank you @maxfactor and @weareeves Loves, Claudia
about 3 years ago
Juicy colour from Maxfactor
Indulgent Coral - such a pretty shade, it reminds me of Orgasm blush from Nars. Juicy colour and hydrating effects, staying power is medium but the feel on the lips is great. I would probably recommend it mostly because of the shade, the texture and you can use it as a blush too!!! @maxfactor
last reacted to about 3 years ago
Very natural
This is a great lipgloss. I was very surprised that it is not sticky at all! It really feels like my natural lipcolour, so I don't have a very big difference from my lippigment, but it just makes my lips basically look plumpier, healthier and brighter! It feels somewhat between highshine lipstick and lipgloss, but it's definately not lacquer gloss as I expected it - I expected mirror -like gloss. But it's totally fine, and i like the color, I got nude . Overall very happy, one star off - because it stains very easily and everything :) @maxfactor @weareeves